If a card-only member forgets their card they can be given a temporary contact card for the day
The card-only tab is the third tab on the members table. When a person's details are added to the card-only tab they become a card-only member of SaferMe. Card-only members can be employees, visitors, contractors or anyone that spends time on site and requires a contact card.
How to get there
To access the card-only tab a person must have either owner, admin or manager access.
Sign into the SaferMe web app and click the 'Admin' button to access the admin portal. The card-only tab is the third tab within the members page.
If a card-only member has forgotten their card and they can't go home to retrieve it, they can be treated like a visitor for the day and given a temporary card.
Adding a card-only member
- Select Add member at the top of the card-only tab
- Fill in the details of the member
- Full name is required, we advise to include a note after their name such as (TEMPORARY CARD) e.g. Dee Woods (TEMPORARY CARD).
- Company, Visiting and Preferred contact are optional fields.
- The search bar on the Visiting field will search for people's names from the 'current' tab only.
Returning the temporary card
At the end of the work shift the card-only member should return the card and the manager should remove the card from the member in the card-only tab.
- It is vital to sync the card BEFORE removing the card from a member
- Click the three dot menu to the right of the member's name
- Click 'Remove Card'
- A pop up will appear to remind the manager to ensure the card has been synced
- Click 'continue'
- Ensure the details are correct
- Select a reason for removing the card from the drop down
- A success message will appear once the card has been removed
- The card can now be used again and assigned to any new members that needs a card
- The member now has two profiles which can both be used for a contact trace if needed
If the member is involved in a future contact trace the administrator can investigate both contact tables associated with the member.
Don't hesitate to reach out to support@safer.me with any questions