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  2. Site Sign-in
  3. Sites for Admins/Managers

Marking Workers as Inducted

This article walks through how Admins and Managers can mark workers as inducted on the Sites page of the web app

Marking Workers as Inducted 

In order to mark that a worker has completed an induction (be it through the SaferMe mobile app, tablet, or a Contractor Induction QR code), the Site Manager or any Admin/Manager of SaferMe can: 

1. Begin on the relevant Site Details page

2. Click the Not Inducted tab 


Sites page 3 people on site (1)-png

3. Select the three-dot menu next to the worker's details  

4. Select Mark as inducted 


Mark Inducted-png


5. The Induction status will change to: Inducted 




Marking Workers as Inducted in Bulk 

To mark multiple users as inducted:

1. Select the checkboxes next to their names

2. Choose Mark as Inducted 


Bulk Mark as Inducted-png



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