Enabling up the "Reports on Site" filter

In this article, we cover how to set-up safety forms so that reports are attached to the correct Site page

To sign onto a site and attach reports from the mobile app, please ensure you have our updated app (instructions to access here).

1. Begin on the Details page of the form builder 

Select the Forms page > Edit Form.

2. Enable Site Reporting on the bottom left of the Details page

This will add a Site Name field to the form when the worker completes the report. The field will not be visible as a field inside the form builder. 



3. If there is an existing "Site Name" field in the form, remove this

This field is now redundant.



4. Ensure one field is the Report Title 

If a "Site Name" field was in the form, it is likely that this was the Report Title. This is no longer needed, as the Site Name is now an embedded field that is a separate filter and column on the Report page.

Select a new field and chose the setting "Use as Report Title". 


You will be able to filter reports based on the Report Title AND Site Name field 


5. Repeat this process for any other forms that need to connect to a Site


6. Refresh the web app and create a report 

The Site Name field should appear as a dropdown in the form that will pre-populate with the list of Sites created in the organisation.


No Site Names appearing in the dropdown? Ensure you have set-up a Site


7. After creating the report, the Site Name will appear in the left panel 

To change the Site Name, select Edit Report.



8. Go to the relevant Sites page

Click the Reports on Site New or Unresolved tab to quickly view all open reports attached to that site. 


You can also filter by Site Name on the Reports page


Have existing reports you'd like to add to a Site? 

1. Ensure the site is set-up on the Sites page 

2. Follow steps 1-4 to Enable Site Reporting (if not already)

3. Select the report on the Reports page

4. Choose Edit Report 

5. Select the Site from the dropdown 


Would you like assistance with any of the above processes? Please reach out to support@safer.me. We're here to help.